Saturday, May 14, 2011

Money Matters...

Good friends and money are rarely coupled. But the best of friends are those who are associated with money too. Money challenges the trust element within friendship between people. Today, long term associates are those who have been able to build and maintain trust by not just words, but also through money matters. Lending and borrowing, need not always be associated with cheating and breach of trust. Nevertheless, such stories make people insecure against borrowing from the closest of friends. They rather chose to borrow from the third party, so that even in the worst scenario, they just lose the trust of the person, who they may not care much.

I had a friend of mine, in my school, with whom I am not in touch with, but he was the first one to come to my mind, when I wanted to  borrow any money. But I chose him, so that I keep things at a transactional level, and I don’t take him for granted. And it paid off. We had good relations, till we parted ways as we chose different education streams later.  But that was an amateurish outlook.

Money actually gives a great opportunity to enhance the trust quotient between friends, it is wise to utilize it with the best of people you are associated with.  But a word of caution, if trust is the reward you get, there is a risk which comes along. It is the risk of losing a good friend, incase you don’t deliver on time, and more importantly, you fail to command any respect from him.

Equally important is to recognize those who helped you at the right time, and appreciate their faith and trust. Returning money, may balance your scores on a financial balance sheet, not on the 'trust' balance sheet.

Don’t think too much!!!
Having emphasized on maintaining relationships along with money issues, I honestly don’t suggest anyone to think every time you ask your friend for money. This was with regard to any major transactions and not for Coffee-level transactions. Else you will be screwing your own happiness….

Good v/s Granted
It is also worthy to have a clear demarcation of friends who are good to have and those whom you can take for granted. The latter category is like the zenith of trust and companionship. So you can afford not to pay your debt only with them. Don’t risk with the former group…

Happy Companionship!!!

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